Percent Crude Protein concentration from forage of selection WW-Buddha was as high or higher that other Old World bluestems in irrigated trials at Las Cruces, New Mexico in 1983-1985.

Table 6.  Mean crude protein percentages in forages of Old World bluestems at Las Cruces, NM, 1983-1985.


Old World                         Mean Crude Protein Concentrations

Bluestems                                                                                      Mean

                             1983            1984              1985                       1983-85


WW-B.Dahl          10.9b           9.5a               7.3a                          9.3a

WW-Spar             11.0b            8.7ab            6.8a                          8.9ab

Plains                   10.7b           8.9ab            6.7a                          8.7ab

Caucasian             8.9c            8.5b              6.5a                          8.0b

Ganada                11.7ab          9.5a              6.9a                          9.3a

Mean                    10.6              9.0                6.8                            8.8

CV%                      8.3               6.4               10.6                           7.9

_____________________________________________________________From Lugg, D.G., F. Smith, Jr., and J.F. Gomez.  1987  Performance of warm season perennial grasses in New Mexico State Univ. Ag. Expt. Sta. Bull. 729. 30 pp.

Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 5% probability level.

For more information you can visit Texas Tech Web Site at 

 Percent Crude Protein      


Phone: 806-652-3504




Rick Kellison’s Silver Creek Farm

Rick Kellison's

Silver Creek Farm

P.O. Box 369

Lockney, Texas

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